A Comprehensive Guide to Obtaining a Turkey Visa for South African Citizens

Are you a South African citizen with dreams of exploring the vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and rich history of Turkey? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve got all the insider information you need to obtain your Turkey visa hassle-free. Whether you’re planning a soul-stirring journey through ancient ruins or simply craving a taste of world-famous Turkish cuisine, our comprehensive guide will walk you through every step of the visa application process. So grab your passport and get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure in one of the most enchanting countries on Earth! Turkey Visa for South African Citizens

What is a Turkey Visa?

If you are planning on travelling to Turkey, then it is important that you obtain a visa in advance. The process of obtaining a Turkish visa can be a little daunting for first-time travellers, but with the help of this guide, the process will be much easier.

To begin with, you will need to have your passport valid for at least six months from the date of your planned departure from Turkey. You will also need to have two photos taken (one in colour and one in black and white) and your passport photocopied. You must also ensure that you have all the required documents translated into Turkish if they are not in English.

Once all of your documentation has been completed and translated, you can begin the visa application process by filling out an online application form at the Turkish Embassy or Consulate nearest to you. Make sure that all required information is included on your application form, including your full name, date of birth, nationality and passport number. Once all necessary information has been gathered, submit the form along with any supporting documents to the embassy or consulate.

Be aware that there may be a processing time for applying for a Turkish visa; thus, it is important to apply as early as possible. If all goes well and no problems arise during the visa application process, then expect to receive notification about your visa decision within four weeks. Turkey Visa Types

How to Apply for a Turkey Visa?

If you are a citizen of South Africa, and you would like to visit Turkey, then you will need to apply for a Turkish visa. The process of obtaining a Turkish visa can be relatively straightforward if you follow the instructions outlined in this article.

To begin the application process, you first must create an online account with the Turkish embassy in your country of residence. This account will allow you to track your application status and make payments online. After creating your account, you will need to submit an application form online. The application form is available in both English and Turkish, and it contains all of the necessary information needed to complete the visa process.

Once you have completed the online application form, you will need to provide proof of your identity and citizenship. This proof may include a passport or national ID card, respectively. Additionally, you will need to provide evidence that you have sufficient funds available to cover your stay in Turkey. This may include bank statements or tour tickets that show that you have enough money remaining after covering expenses related to your trip.

You will need to provide evidence that you are travelling to Turkey for purposes other than tourism or business visits. This may include letters from friends or family members who are already living in Turkey, or copies of documents that verify your employment or education status inTurkey. Once all of the required documents have been submitted, your application will be processed and a decision on your visa request will be made within 30 days.

How to Get a Turkey Visa Approved?

If you are a South African citizen and would like to visit Turkey, then your best bet is to obtain a visa. Here we will outline the steps necessary for obtaining a visa, as well as some tips on how to make the process go more smoothly.

To get started, you will first need to gather some information about your trip. This includes your intended length of stay in Turkey as well as what types of activities you plan on engaging in while there. You should also provide information about your contacts in Turkey. This will help the Turkish embassy determine if they require any additional documentation from you.

Once you have gathered all of the necessary information, you can begin the application process by filling out an online application form at the Turkish embassy website. The application process is straightforward and should take no more than a few minutes to complete. However, please note that you will need to provide detailed information about your travel itinerary and ensure that all required documents are attached to your application. In addition, be sure to include a valid passport photo and proof of citizenship (such as a birth certificate).

If everything looks good and your visa is approved, then it’s time to travel to Ankara and submit your visa application at the Turkish embassy. The processing time for visas can vary depending on the type of visa applied for, but typically it takes around two weeks for visas to be issued.

Requirements for a Turkey Visa:

To apply for a Turkish visa, you must first obtain a tourist visa from your home country. The tourist visa requirements vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for. Once you have your tourist visa, you can apply for a Turkish visa at the Turkish embassy or consulate in your home country. The application process is typically very straightforward and usually takes no more than 10-15 business days to complete.

The following are the general requirements that apply to all types of Turkish visas:

– Valid passport with at least six months left before your desired departure date

– A valid ticket to Turkey

– Proof of sufficient funds (usually around €60 per person)

– A completed application form

– Two recent passport size photos


If you are planning on travelling to South Africa, it is important that you obtain a turkey visa in advance. By doing so, you will be able to enjoy your holiday without any hassles and unnecessary delays. This guide has outlined everything you need to know in order to obtain a turkey visa, including the necessary documents and how to proceed if you have any questions. I hope this article has helped clarify some of the key details surrounding obtaining a turkey visa for South African citizens and that it will help make your trip more enjoyable.

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